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Respiratory Conditions

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Respiratory Conditions

How can it help you?

Low concentration & gradual administration of dry salt is recommended. The consistency of the sessions is the key element for successful results.

Respiratory Conditions

Low concentration & gradual administration of dry salt & consistency of the sessions are the key elements for successful results. Skin, beauty & Anti-Aging (our integumentary system)

As we all age, our skin is the first organ to show the impact of time and our lifestyle. We must remember our skin is our largest organ and it plays a major part in protecting and defending our body against bacteria, viruses and other microbes.

It also excretes waste, controls our temperature and prevents dehydration through control of how much we perspire.
The dry salt particles benefit the integumentary system and hairs thus providing healing and cosmetic effects.

The salt provides a pH normalisation and induces reparative and regenerative processes in the derma increasing skin rigidity, stimulating growth, and improving your hair health.

The dry salt also impacts the skin microcirculation and assists its effectiveness.

Respiratory Conditions

A condition in which your airways narrow and swell to produce extra mucus. This can make breathing more difficult and triggers coughing (more predominant at night), wheezing ( high-pitched whistling sounds when breathing out) and shortness of breath and tightness in the chest.. The condition can’t be cured but can be controlled.

Salt Therapy consistently demonstrates a dramatic positive effect on asthma symptoms. Over a series of sessions, inhalation of dry salt aerosol will bring about the improvement of mucociliary clearance and the decrease of bronchial inflammation.

The decrease or elimination of pathogenic microorganisms, and a reduction of bronchial hyper-responsiveness.
This translates into better lung function, fewer spasmodic attacks, and clean air passages.

Image of lungs showing one half healthy and other being affected with conditions

The above illustration shows the affects of a series of sessions on the bronchi and shows how the inflammation and mast cell response within the bronchi reduces and therefore the quality and function of breathing improves.

Also due to the desensitization of the immune response, sleep patterns will improve and fewer spasmodic attacks, clean air passages and the need for medication will substantially decrease.

Salt Therapy is a non-medical, complementary treatment which has no side effects when used with your medication. Salt Therapy is not a cure; it is a complementary treatment.

Picture of a man suffering from itching skin close up

Respiratory Conditions


It occurs when your immune system reacts to foreign substances such as pollen, airborne particles or pet dander. When you have allergies, your immune system makes antibodies that identify a particular allergen as harmful, even though it is not.

This causes a reaction in your immune system, inflaming your skin, sinuses, airways or digestive system.

Inflammation is reduced due to the natural properties of the inhaled salt particles, which also thin bronchial and nasal secretions. Improved drainage allows for a reduction in contaminants that may trigger or prolong allergic episodes.

Additionally, salts’ ability to absorb edema from swollen mucosa linings in the sinuses and respiratory tract opens airways to relieve symptoms quickly.

Respiratory Conditions


Sinusitis is the swelling of the sinuses, commonly caused by a cold or flu virus spreading to the sinuses from the upper airways resulting in the cavities around your nasal passages becoming inflamed and swollen.

This interferes with drainage and causes mucus to build up, providing an excellent environment for the growth of infection-causing bacteria. With ACUTE sinusitis, it might be difficult to breathe through your nose.

The area around your eyes and face might feel swollen, and you might have throbbing facial pain or a headache.

Image of woman who is experiencing congestion

The main symptoms of Sinusitis are:
A blocked or runny nose. If your nose produces green or yellow mucus then you probably have a bacterial infection. Pain and tenderness in the face (near the infected sinuses).

You may experience a throbbing pain or pressure that is worse when you move your head or a pain in your jaw when you eat.

Other symptoms are

Relief from sinus infections is achieved through the salt particles penetrating deep into the respiratory system.

Inflammation of the infected sinus cavities is reduced, and relief is achieved quickly as mucus secretions become thinner and can drain properly, removing trapped pockets of debris and bacteria.

Dry salt particles also gently stimulate your body’s natural cilia movement within your sinuses. While cilia help keep our sinuses clear of mucus and dirt, inhaling salt accelerates this process.

It works well as a preventative treatment as we are constantly breathing in pollutants and allergens which can irritate the sinus.

The salt particles also stimulate the immune system, increasing the body’s innate ability to resist further infection as antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties reduce the current episode.

Woman massaging their nose bridge close up view

There are various forms of Sinusitis:

Acute Sinusitis – usually follows a cold or viral infection and is shorter in length.

Ongoing Sinusitis – ongoing inflammation and congestion

Acute Rhinosinusitis — a new infection that may last up to four weeks and can be subdivided symptomatically into severe and non-severe

Recurrent Acute Rhinosinusitis — four or more separate episodes of acute sinusitis that occur within one year

Subacute Rhinosinusitis — an infection that lasts between four and 12 weeks and represents a transition between acute and chronic infection

Chronic Rhinosinusitis — when the signs and symptoms last for more than 12 weeks

Salt Therapy is a non-medical, complementary treatment which has no side effects when used with your medication. Salt Therapy is not a cure; it is a complementary treatment.

Respiratory Conditions


(Chest Infections)

Bronchitis is inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes, which carry air to and from the air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs. It presents itself as a daily cough and mucus production. It irritates and inflames the airways, causing the body to produce more mucus than usual. The body tries to shift this extra mucus through the act of coughing. Acute Bronchitis usually follows a cold or viral infection and is shorter in length.

To maximise the relief from Salt Therapy for acute bronchitis is achieved with intensive treatment. Therefore, we would recommend the sooner you come in the better, even when you first feel a cold coming on. However, if the infection has gone to your chest and becomes bronchitis, we can still get you the relief needed and speed up recovery.

The multiple effects of sessions of salt therapy are it works to cleanse the respiratory system and speed up the elimination of toxins in the body. Inflammation is reduced due to the natural properties of the inhaled salt particles, which also thin the bronchial and nasal secretions. It works as a “bronchial toothbrush” for the airways.

Image of anatomy of buman with focus on the throat and lungs area being inflammed

Salt Therapy works well as a preventative treatment as we are constantly breathing in pollutants and allergens which can irritate the lungs with chronic bronchitis. When our lungs are weakened, it can have a significant effect on our health. The smallest cold can result in weeks of sickness.

Salt Therapy is a non-medical, complementary treatment which has no side effects when used with your medication. Salt Therapy is not a cure; it is a complementary treatment.

Respiratory Conditions

Dry coughs are usually felt at the back of the throat as a tickle at first, resulting in coughing.. This occurs due to the throat and upper airways becoming inflamed.. These coughs result in no phlegm being produced and hence are known as non-productive coughs. A dry cough is most commonly due to an infection by a cold or virus.

Chesty coughs are caused by excessive amounts of mucus in the chest. The cough assists in clearing the mucus from your chest, this excess mucus is produced to clear the bacteria and fight off the infection. You cough as it’s a reflex to remove the excess phlegm from the respiratory system.

While most coughs are caused by a virus or infection, other causes are Allergic rhinitis, smoking, acid reflux, and a flare-up of a long-term condition such as COPD or asthma.

mature man in blanket coughing while sited on bed

A salt therapy session brings an immediate remedial effect on the symptoms of cold & flu. Breathing becomes easier as inhaled salt particles naturally absorb edema from swollen air passages and thin’s mucus secretions so that drainage is easier. The dispersal system of microscopic salt particles used in this therapy allows the salt aerosol to be taken deep into these cavities, bringing the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action to the root of the problem. Relief from the irritation of sticky mucus secretions and debris calms and quiets coughs.

As important is the sterile, isolated treatment environment, free from exposure to any external challenges, which gives the immune system the chance to reassert itself in this supportive atmosphere and initiate a healing process. Also, the detox of the sinus cavities and respiratory tract inherent in this type of treatment reduces the toxic load on the immune system.

Allergic Rhinitis

(Commonly know as Hay fever)

The most common allergic triggers for allergies are:

A series of Salt Therapy sessions:

  • Increases the liquefaction of airway secretions enhancing the clearing of airway mucus secretions.
  • Opens airways to loosen excessive mucus to speed up mucociliary transport.
  • Decreases inflammation along the entire respiratory tract to assist in ridding the body of allergens and toxins in the respiratory system.
  • Reduces the need for anti-histamine as the salt particles are a natural anti-histamine.
  • Reduces the symptoms and frequency of episodes of these allergies
  • Your eyes and nose will no longer water or itch. Sneezing and coughing are reduced dramatically, and these sessions can decrease your dependence on prescription drugs.
  • Salt Therapy is a non-medical, complementary treatment which has no side effects when used with your medication.


Salt Therapy is not a cure; it
is a complementary treatment.

There is a well‐established link between allergic rhinitis and asthma and approximately 40% of patients with allergic rhinitis also suffer from asthma

An allergy is an immune system reaction to something that is normally harmless but causes a reaction to the allergen resulting in the release of histamine and other body chemicals causing symptoms of allergies.

Image of mans head showing allergic Rhinitis

Symptoms of allergies depend on the type of allergic reaction:

Common Cold

A viral infection of your upper respiratory tract. It is generally harmless. Many types of viruses can cause a common cold such as Influenza which attacks your respiratory system.

A salt therapy session brings an immediate remedial effect on the symptoms of cold & flu. Breathing becomes easier as inhaled salt particles naturally absorb edema from swollen air passages and thin’s mucus secretions so that drainage is easier. The dispersal system of microscopic salt particles used in this therapy allows the salt aerosol to be taken deep into these cavities, bringing the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action to the root of the problem. Relief from the irritation of sticky mucus secretions and debris calms and quiets coughs.

As important is the sterile, isolated treatment environment, free from exposure to any external challenges, which gives the immune system the chance to reassert itself in this supportive atmosphere and initiate a healing process. Also, the detox of the sinus cavities and respiratory tract inherent in this type of treatment reduces the toxic load on the immune system.

Woman who is dealing with the common cold
baby crying covering mouth cough

Croup, also known as laryngotracheobronchitis, is a type of respiratory infection that is usually caused by a virus. Which results in inflammation of the larynx, trachea and bronchi. This results in the air passage becoming restricted due to inflammation.

Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis causes sticky mucus to build up in the lungs and digestive system. This causes lung infections and problems digesting food. It also affects the cells that produce mucus, sweat and digestive juices. These secreted fluids are normally thin and slippery. But with CF, a defective gene causes the secretions to become sticky and thick. Instead of acting as a lubricant, the secretions plug up tubes, ducts, and passageways, especially in the lungs and pancreas.

Graphic of lungs with showing healthy vs cystic fibrosis in lungs

The main symptoms of CF are.

  • Troublesome cough
  • Poor growth
  • Reoccurring chest infections
  • Diarrhoea
  • Sinus infections
  • Infertility
  • Difficulty breathing


Halotherapy has proven to be an invaluable resource for suffers from CF. The hydrophilic and microkinetic action of the inhaled salt particles thins unnaturally thick and sticky mucus, clearing accumulated secretions and unclogging passages in the bronchi and bronchiole. Other benefits are the absorption of edema from the mucus lining of the airways and the reduction of inflammation in the respiratory tract and sinuses

Picture of young woman sneezing

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a disease that makes it hard to empty air out of your lungs. The airways get smaller leading to airflow obstruction, resulting in shortness of breath or tiredness because you are working harder to breathe.

The multiple effects of sessions of salt therapy are it works to cleanse the respiratory system and speed up the elimination of toxins in the body. Inflammation is reduced due to the natural properties of the inhaled salt particles, which also thin the bronchial and nasal secretions. It works as a “bronchial toothbrush” for the airways.

Salt therapy is recognised as a safe & effective wellness practice for both preventive & restorative health care. It is not a medical treatment, nor does it offer a cure.

Pregnant women should consult with their doctor before attending a salt therapy session. Anyone with serious health conditions must seek proper medical advice and care before attending.

Picture of a bowl of big chunks of salt


  • Contagious diseases
  • Fever
  • Open wounds
  • Lung cancer
  • Severe hypertension
  • Mental disorders
  • Active tuberculosis
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